Wajas: Waja Park Wanted Ad Thread


We have decided to make a thread for people wanting to post a wanted ad for a waja in the park. We have done this to try and limit the discussion on the forums once a waja has been caught. This will also remove the need for anyone to be keeping a list of lost/wanted wajas. Wanted Ads for park wajas should only be posted on the thread and nowhere else on the site. The thread can be found here .  We want to emphasize two rules from the thread: A) Posting you want a waja does not give you any sort of entitlement to that waja. Whoever catches the waja is not obligated to give you the waja. Additionally, if you accidentally park a waja, whoever catches the waja is still not obligated to give you the waja. If you catch a waja and want to keep it, keep it! It is your waja to do what you want with (as per out site rules), and staff will enforce that. B) ONLY the user who posted the wanted ad should be messaging the catcher. No one should be messaging for another userView the full article
