Wajas: Waja Fix Update: Removal of Bird Wings after Addition of TriWings

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Hey everyone! It's been over a decade since TriWings has been released on site. Did you know that if you add TriWings to a Waja that already has bird wings, you could request for bird wings to be removed ?   This has become a lesser known fix over the years, as such we've updated the main fixes thread with this fix clearly stated.    If you have added TriWings to your bird winged Waja in the past but was unaware of this fix, you can post on the above thread requesting the bird wing removal. If you have bred the Waja already in the past few years and would like a fix, you may still post on the thread but the Waja will be subjected to review by the moderator team. Do note that you must have owned the Waja when TriWings was added in order to request such a fix.    If you have any questions regarding this, feel free to drop me a message . Be sure to check out the previous post for the November monthly items! View the full article

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