Wajas: Upcoming Doodles


Hey All! So all, but one, of those Doodles were shipped out! (The last doodle here leaves in a few days!) Most of those Doodles have been delivered to their new homes. PLEASE let me know if you received one with damage! I try my best to pack them and I really need that feedback to know if I need to tweak anything with my packaging. I think I've got it down pretty good but just want to make sure! I wouldnt mind a positive feedback on Etsy from those of you who received their Doodles as it helps build up my store over there but no pressure! Some of you have already done this and thank you so much for that! Also, I've done a lot of brainstorming with staff on how we can better this process of selling Doodles so that EVERYONE has a chance to participate so we have some additional features coming. Hopefully make things more flexible and customizable to a degree. Which means I'm also going to start another batch of Doodles tomorrow! I hope the upcoming changes will al

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