Wajas: Spotlight day 9: Electric Aliens & Golden Fleece!


Electric Aliens Golden Fleece Sub Breeds featured in this spotlight! Electric Aliens Subbreed Thread   Cost to make: Custom 20 CWP + ~500k wc (Can be made w/o token for ~ 700k wc) Celebratory Month:  August / Aliens August Subbreed Blurb:  Come join us on the mothership and electrically charge your cave with their jolting beauty and variety! Examples: Golden Fleece Subbreed Thread  |  Guild Link Cost to make:  ~37 CWP (Silver Token, 9 CWP and 19,480,000 WC in dyes, 1 Raccoon King dye) Celebratory Month:  N/A Subbreed Blurb:  The Golden Fleece Project is an interbreedable-sub breed dedciated to providing the Waja Park with pretty wajas. We hope that by donating all of our Gen 2s to the Park, all players new and old will be easily be able to find wajas with matching markings to create breeding pairs! Although somewhat inactive, our goals are to stock the Waja Park with Gen 2View the full article
