Wajas: Site Update


As many of you know, the site was down for about a half hour last night when our SSL certificate expired. The SSL cert is an important part of our site security, it encrypts our web pages and all web traffic between your browser and our server. SSL certs are good for one year, and normally they renew automatically but for some reason that didn't happen last night, and around 10:30pm Wajas Time users started seeing scary messages about the site not being secure. Although this coder was asleep at the time, Estuko rose to the occasion and worked with our most excellent web host to quickly get a new SSL cert installed, and the site was back up again with a minimum of down time. Some users continued getting scary messages even after the problem was fixed, this was because their browser had cached the expired certificate. Once their browser noticed the new one was installed those errors went away. Many thanks to our wonderful users for your patience and understanding while thView the full article
