Wajas: Rule Update


We have made a change to our General Site Rules today, May 12th, 2022. Our reason behind this was to expand on and clarify what is considered targeting to the best of our ability. As always, if you have any questions, please contact a Forum Moderator or a Full Moderator and they will assist you. Rule Update: 5) Targeting is not allowed at all.  If an user or staff can tell who you are talking about, that will be considered targeting.  This includes when you are using our rant forums and describe the situation. It does not matter if you are calling out one person or half the site.  If a user is not doing something against TOS you should not be posting about them, and if they are, you should be reporting them and not posting about them.  This includes, but is not limited to: Public blacklists. Directly calling out other users or staff. Indirectly calling out other users or staff. Attacking groups of people for their playstyle.  (EXView the full article
