Wajas: Reminders, Calendar, and Minigame Notice

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Howdy y'all! It's Halloween! Before we dive into the fun bits, some reminders: - Crafting Contest ends tonight at 11:59 PM. - We're in a final bits of the ToT Door . If you've not been doing it, hop on it and get a few knocks in. This ends 11/1 at 11:59 PM. - The Site Raffles all end soon, if you wanted entries into any of these, get them ASAP. - Bane tokens, October exclusive dyes and DNAs (found in CWP shop ), and monthly items will all be exiting the shops after tonight, if you need any of those please take this as your final warning to get them now. - As in line with the last few years, if you need to wrap anything up or grab your coding from the Lights on / Lights off forum area, please do so now. These will be trashed tomorrow and the forum area will be hidden once again until next year. Additionally, I wanted to toss in the calendar for next months events. It's quite large, so click here for it . Notes: OS - On Site SM - Social MediaView the full article

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