Wajas: Reminder: Contacting Staff Offsite


Afternoon guys,   Wajas staff would like to take a moment to send out a reminder that users should not be messaging staff on their personal Discord or Social Media accounts about matters pertaining to Wajas.   If there is an issue on site, you should be doing one of three things: If it is a post on a thread, PM that you received, or something on a Waja, you should be reporting the issue using the report button and providing any relevant information as to why you are reporting it. If it's a potential bug, you should be Modboxing it with all relevant information including but not limited to: Where and when it happened, providing screenshots, and information regarding what device you use and what browser you use.   If your need does not fall into either of those categories (ex. you have a question regarding a rule or something), you should be PMing a staff member that is capable of helping you (see below for what each member of staff canView the full article
