Wajas: Raffle, End of Year Review: 2022!


CWP Buyers Raffle Year End Review, 2022! Hello Wajaians! It's been a chaotic start to 2023 in my end, but we've finally made it to wrapping up the year end review! 2022 is over, and boy has it been a year! Wajas is incredibly grateful to it's users for their continuous support throughout the last 16 years. PS. this year will be 17 years! Can you believe that? We did get a lot of stuff done over the last year, so here's a quick recap for those (like me) whose days blur together! Monthly CWP Raffle Feature Slider Game Images Updated Bulk Purchase added to more Shops Potions and Mutations Updated Labels Feature Automated Breeding Contest Reduced Motion Setting Staff Applications Bulk Feed Newbie Quiz Feature Shop Search Updates Sudoku Game Leaving a Guild Improvement Goblin Gift Exchange Improvements Gifting Tree Art Updates Breed Changers can be Equipped! Outside of theView the full article
