Wajas: Pearadise Festival 2024 - The Woes of Florrie


The sights, sounds and smells of spring had once again come to the lands of Lunaria.  As far as the eye could see, the bare browns and dull oranges that had spent the winter licked by frost or dusted under drifts of gentle snow were giving way to vivid rainbows of color as early spring blossoms lifted their petaled heads to the warming sun.  One tiny patch of bright purple crocus flowers almost seemed to sigh as the rays of morning light glittered down from a cool blue sky, the first tiny honeybees of the season alighting on them to seek sweet nectar…and then the bees darted away in panic as the flowers were squashed under the pattering paws of a group of overexcitable pups.  “Watch where you’re going!” an elderly Earth waja cried out.  He shambled forward to delicately readjust the rumpled plant with one large but deftly experienced hooved foot.  The pups whined softly in the rebuke, but brightened when the oldtimer chuckled.  &View the full article
