Wajas: Pearadise Festival 2024 - The Woes of Florrie Improve


“You’re doing a fantastic job so far.  Don’t be frustrated; sometimes even the best gathered data doesn’t point to a conclusive solution.  And it’s only been a few days.  There’s plenty of time for the data to trend in a more definitive direction.”   “I’m not frustrated, Mom.  I’m just confused.  It’s an answer…but not an answer.  Pollen is getting unusually bad this spring.  Some are okay with it, and some are like poor Florrie.  The sparkling part…”   “Winnie, honey, relax!  Take a deep breath.  Remember what your father taught you.”   “Um…oh!  When facing a perplexing conundrum, it never hurts to take a step back.”     “Actually, that’s what I taught you.  But that works too.”   Winnie smiled at her mother as they continuedView the full article
