Wajas: Part 3: Lil Tuff's Analysis

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“And there we are!   That should do it.”   Paisley smiled as she shifted the last box of stock into place.   All neat and tidy again.   The few days since she had found the naughty pups in what had used to be the park had been more sweltering heat, but a nasty storm the previous night finally broke the streak.   Of course, with storms always came something to clean up.   Scattered leaves and branches, a few lighter items she hadn’t secured properly, her canopy a little crooked.   Hardly the worst mess she had ever dealt with.   And helped along by the eager paws of two of the same little pups. “Is it going to be a busy day today, Miss Paisley?” Abacus asked, fluttering his little bud wings happily at a job well done.     “I surely hope so!   Today is a perfectly lovely day to enjoy the park.   The actual park.” She gave the pups a teasing glareView the full article

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