Wajas: Only Lies Answers


I posted a game on FB, Instagram, and Twitter yesterday called Only Lies, and have since judged it. Here's the correct answers. Many of the lies could be found in the Library Page (I think 9 or 10 of them), the rest were peeking into caves or wishlists. Y'all did great though, everyone got over five correct, and the vast majority of participants got all of them correct! Congrats, maybe we'll do another round in the future! I have never played a tabletop rpg. Kaen I have the shortest cave description on site. Zeldruin I hate hiking. Bluee I don't have an overwhelming amount of OCs. KingFauna I am Team Vyra. Admiral I don't hoard gen 2's and I hate love and affection. Girher I do not have multiple customs themed on final fantasy characters. Tailz I think Husky/Wind wajas are the best marking combo ever. Zepher I don't have Monster Hunter wajas. Charmanth I hate the alien pig item. Vagabond I detest the color purple! Vex I hate

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