Wajas: October Monthly Items & Sept. Recap


Bulk price and rename feature Updates to Staff Application made CWP buying limit added Can now link to cave sub groups (link is found on edit subgroup page) A handful of behind the scenes stuff New "top hat" name randomizer on Wajas page Park flavor text improved when flagging Wajadex improvements Users shops can be filtered by item type Item names started being updated for better searching (fatal) C der Recap For the month of September A quick note.  For the month of October  only .  Upgraded users get to pick  THREE  leaves off of the pear tree daily.  So make sure you remember to pick your leaves! Coming Soon/Misc Changes made: Behind the scenes work on upcoming features with these code tags: wajasSP, wajasRK, wajasBA and wajasPM Two of these four statements fits something coming soon to a Wajas near you, can you guess which two: Something old, something new, something borrowed, View the full article
