Wajas: New Staff, Artists


Good morning folks! I hope all is going well with our Wajas family! Just popping in to add a note to our latest feature ( the Staff Application ). We're now asking that under the portfolio area, you show us examples of what you'd create for Wajas. - If you've already sent an app, you may send your examples to me, Sadi @ 4591 . I can add them to your application. Some things to note: We are looking to see you at your best. Take your time on this! Finish the item fully. This includes - lines, coloring, and shading. We're looking for people who can match our style as much as possible. Staff members might offer suggestions on how they think you can improve your submission. Please understand that this is not a personal attack but genuine interest in seeing you improve... While also trying to keep things consistent for Wajas image expectations. Additionally, we're asking for: 1 Accessory Example on 3 Breeds  (mandatory) This is to see View the full article
