Wajas: New Rule Page, New Rule Added


Good morning everyone, hope all is going well for you guys. In light of the holiday season coming up and users approaching us with questions regarding friends and family sharing their IPs, we've opted to create a new rule area regarding this so that all rules are laid out clearly and cleanly and there's no question about what is expected. Please if you have any friends or family on Wajas who frequently share your IP, be sure to familiarize yourself with these rules. All users will be expected to follow them, and failure to do so from anyone on an IP, could put all accounts tied to that IP in jeopardy. So make sure that any users you share an IP with are aware of these rules and are following them. For the new rules, you can view them on our rule page or by visiting here . Additionally, the following note was added to the offsite trades rule board located here "Please be aware that friends and family who share an IP should not be trading between Wajas and aView the full article
