Wajas: New Lineart Updates, Monthly Updates, New Artist.


Lineart Updates As some of you have already found out (we're not allowed to have a moments rest in this family, y'all on the ball with your hunting skills), mutations saw a huge update come this new year curtesy of Fatal who has been working on them for the better part of 2021. Everything saw a bit of Quality of Life update (meaning we cleaned up the pixelated bits, improved the blending to make it go better with the breed art, and more). Some of the mutations saw more than a QOL improvement, and instead saw a bit of a rework to make them fit the breeds better. We'd like to remind everyone that Wajas is 15 years old, and much of our stuff was outdated and had many hands in the pot (with varying levels of experience) making it work for each breed. This update was done to bring everything up to current and help it match the breed anatomy, shading, and the like better. We urge you to use the "view in demo" before updating any line work. Also remember we have the lock refView the full article
