Wajas: New Forum Mods! An Introduction.


Good morning folks! As many of you have noticed, we've got some changes in staff! We had some staff step down to focus on IRL things, we've promoted one of our Forum Mods (Congratulations Bluee!), and we've brought on some new Forum Mods! To see who our current staff is, please visit here . You can sort by rank if you click the role icon, it will also provide a description of what each role can do. Introducing our new Forum Mods Please give them a warm welcome! We're happy to have them on the team. Introducing: Averan Hello Averan, could you please take a minute to tell us about yourself? "Hello! I’m Averan! I use they/them pronouns. I’ve been on Wajas for a very long time, and I care about it a lot! I love collecting colorful Wajas and pretty fades. Outside of Wajas, I work as a website designer, and dream of one day being a novelist. I love Monster Hunter and am always thinking about The Locked Tomb books with at least 5% of my brView the full article
