Wajas: New Feature: Labels!


Greetings citizens of Lunaria. It's your absolute pleasure to meet me, I’m sure. My name is Montague , but my friends call me Monty. We're not quite friends yet, but in an effort to put a good paw forward, I'll allow you the courtesy of calling me by my nickname. I am new to Lunaria, hailing from Soleria where my family all aspires to be Post Wajas, and the competition to be the best is thick. I'd heard from the good Lady Artemis that Lunaria does not have a Post Waja, and thought to myself "My, what an absolute tragedy that is!" and promptly packed up my bags and relocated. I do hope that we'll grow to know each other over time, and I sure look forward to seeing all of you visiting my store while I am there. Thank you for your patronage. Thank you A Bee for your suggestion of the name Montague. You will receive your prize shortly. Oh, before I go, I brought a little something with me from Soleria. The abiliView the full article
