Wajas: Mutation Rework Update


[ Mutation Rework Update ] Hello, hello folks! Hope y'alls February is treating you well. We're coming to you with an update regarding the mutation reworks and the mutation marking updates. Once more, thank you everyone for your patience as we work on improving Wajas, we love and appreciate it. There will also be a few polls posted , so check those out once you've finished reading this, but please read this in full. Polls will end on the 13th of February to give Fatal time to make the necessary changes by the 21st release date. First and foremost, please consider this a notice: All updates mentioned in this news post will go live February 21st , we do not have an actual time for release, so if you need to do anything to your Wajas, and want to do it before the changes happen, you should aim to have everything done by February 20th to be safe. Alright, onward to the updates! Lets gooooo! Mutation Marking updates to release 2/21: Bones - Bat WView the full article
