Wajas: Monthly Items - January


January Monthly Items Balloon Pop - Lochness Grey, Winter Cloak Festive BB - Trident of the Lochness Goblin - Lake Floor Night Wallpaper, Lochness Green, Winter Cloak Green Leaf Exchange - Lake Floor Wallpaper, Lochness Blue, Lochness Overhead Midground, Twisting Seaweed Foreground Marine crate - Lochness Yellow Raven - Lochness purple, Winter Cloak White RK - Lochness Red, Winter Cloak Orange Dye Shop - Waxwing Lines, Waxwing Mask CWP Shop - Winter Cloak Galaxy Sparra - Wallpapers, Waxwing dyes Danny - Trident Zestu - Lochness, midground & foreground Redraw: Raining Money - By Biscuit Item Ideas by: Winter Cloak Festive - Xihro, drawn by Danny. Lochness Green - Mune, drawn by Estu. I will send Xihro and Mune copies of their items shortly. Please don't ask me the status of any of the other 15 year stuff, all I know is everything is being worked on. View the full article
