Wajas: Monthly Items - February


[ February Monthly Items ] Woosh, can you all believe it's already February? 2022, you good? You're zooming like my cat when he has the zoomies. Anyway, just popping on to let you all know that we've officially got the monthly items rolled out for this month. Also a quick reminder that later this month will be FriendFest. If there's any games you'd like to see, or if you have any new games for minievents on site or SM you think might be fun, drop a comment below! Bonus Barn: Rose Covered Columns Foreground CWP Shop: Grunge Archway Midground, Grunge Columns (Foreground) Leaf Exchange: Flowered Columns Foreground, Marble Archway Midground, Marble Columns Raven Shop: Totally Real Sword Effects Shop: Dazzling Foreground, Radiant Burst Midground, Rainbow Halo Foreground Raccoon King: Waterlogged Archway Midground, Waterlogged Columns Forum Goblins: Glowing Hearts Purple Foreground, Glowing Hearts Red Foreground, GlowinView the full article
