Wajas: Monthly Items, February - and Game Reminders


February Items Bonus Barn: Wings Fancy Valentines (Estuko) Raccoon King: Dye Withers (Sparra) Dye Shop: Dye Feet Freckles, Dye Ear Freckles, Dye Tail Freckles (Sparra) Leaf Exchange: Falling Hearts Purple Foreground, Heart Beat Glance Pink (Splinter) Midground Store: Tile Floor Black, Blue, Grey, Pink, Purple, Rainbow, Red, Yellow Midground (Splinter) Ravens Shop: Summer Shade Wallpaper (Sym) Blazing Mountain Sunset (Zepher) Pet Shop: Baby Mammoth (Panic) CWP Shop: Wings Fancy Valentines Blue, Wings Fancy Valentines Green (estuko) Gift of Activity: Wings Fancy Valentines Orange (Estuko) Reminders ** Envelope Coloring Contest ends today at 6 PM. There will be CWP prizes and Participation Prizes, so if you wanted in, this is your final reminder. ** Those partaking in my Labyrinth games, I will be trying to pump out a round or two next week. The winter months are a little chaotic as we flow from holiday to holiday, so

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