Wajas: Minigame - Hero VS Villain Story


Hello hello all you amazing and beautiful people! Just wanted to pop on and do a small game while I get some other things sorted (also please don't mind any spelling errors I am on phone this morn for a bit). Anyhoots, before we get started, please check out the news post before this one if you haven't for some awesome Feather information! Onwards! Your goal for todays minigame, you're writing a Hero VS Villain (or Villain VS Hero, support whichever side has your heart) story involving the Wajas NPCs! Write out a *brief* summary about your story, including in the summary who the hero is and who the villain is. There are of course some rules: 1 - Include your ID with your summary. I'm not hunting, if it's not there, you won't win. 2 - Only one entry per person. You may not partake on more than one account. 3 - You are limited by how much you can post in ONE comment to this news post (I think there's a 1k letter count). You may not post in multiple news comments.View the full article
