Wajas: May Monthly items + April Recap


Core Shops & WajaDex: now use mobile-friendly +/- buttons New Bulk Refresh Project Manager improvements Waja Raffles: players cannot buy a ticket for a raffle run by either of their linked accounts Waja Detail page: does a better job of determining which pear was used to breed the waja New Splatter & Scrambled Vitamin Pears Guild Notifications preview now shows Wajas Time instead of the local time on your device Worked on a few upcoming features Bug fixes & minor QoL improvements C der Recap For the month of April   Coming Soon/Misc Changes/Notes: Library Updates: We have been working on things and will be rolling out some updates shortly hopefully.  Our biggest one right now is the Raccoon King questline - which we've swapped to covering the mining cave as a whole and including information on the questline.  Keep on the lookout for that shortly! White Friday, coming soon! &View the full article
