Wajas: It's November!


Howdy, Howdy! As many of you know, it's now November! Man this year is going by super fast, what is even happening?! Did y'all go Trick-or-Treating for Halloween? My other half and I stayed in and watched Legacies, a super quiet night. This is just me popping in to toss up a notice that all of the Fall Fest contests were closed and I will be going through and ensuring all entries follow all requirements listed and are thus valid for the staff to judge. That will take me a day or two. After that I will toss the contests to the staff and will give them 2 weeks to judge. Following their judging, I will tally things up - which can take anywhere from 1 day to 5 days depending on what's on my plate at the time. So assume the closing post and winner announcements won't be for roughly three weeks. If you want to see where abouts we are in judging, please visit our spreadsheet located HERE to see what's been done and what hasn't. Please check here as opposed to PMing me. IView the full article
