Wajas: Item Names, Site raffles, and Fall Fest games


Name Changes for items: As mentioned in the recap for the October News Post , we are working on renaming items. Crafts become site items when they are made, and as such, they are also subject to quality control. These renames are primarily for clarity, however it is possible mistakes have been made. If you have any issues with a rename of a craft you have made/submitted, you can submit a modbox and work with staff to find a solution.  Terms like “foreground” and “midground” have been removed to keep it clear that the items are separate from regular site foregrounds and midgrounds as they do not operate the same way. Site Raffles: Estu went through and put up a few site raffles .  These are low digits that Estu had hiding in her cave. ID# 06035 For CWP ID# 08276 For WC ID# 08221 For Items Fall Fest Events A new event has rolled out, Photo Scavenger Hunt!  Check out the thread for View the full article
