Wajas: Impkins


Heeeyy yaaalll, I received some guidance from an experienced Polymer Artist and have been able to tweak a few things during my creative process. I've been able to ship things to the UK and Germany with ZERO damage but for some reason they break on the way to Florida (USA) Doesnt make a lot of sense to me? But this new Artist friend was able to give me some pointers! One of those pointers makes them more durable haha. I've been able to "drop test" a handful of my upcoming pieces and they take NO damage on the fall... It's still a very scary process haha but it's nice to see them not shatter when they hit the ground. I am planning a release of Imp Kirins (Impkins) tomorrow if they interest you at all? [site-image id="58"] [site-image id="59"] [site-image id="60"] Here are three that I completed today! There's a total of 12 going up tomorrow. [site-image id="61"] This is the AD Ive posted on social media. All of them but t

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