Wajas: Good Morning Flash Game!


Wajas NPC Theme Song Ends on 9/7 @ 1:30 PM Eastern / Wajas Time Every good NPC needs a theme song! Pick a Wajas NPC (if you don't know our NPC's or anything about them, worry not, visit the EXPLORE - - LIBRARY - - NPCs and you can get to know our NPCs), and then write up a quick ditty. Keep the song under 250 words. - - Include your ID or you will NOT be qualified to win. - - Your song must be PG-13. - - Your song must be no more than 250 words. - - It must also be very clear which NPC it's about. If your song is on the vague end, just list at the start which NPC you're writing about. - - Really look at the Library entry for each NPC. Staff will be picking favorites for this one, there is no random winners, so show effort in your writing. Make it clear you researched your NPC subject and tried to include things about them. Prizes: Staff will big a handful or two of favorites to receive: 3 CWP + Choice of Non-Seasonal Doodlecorn or x5 of any ONE cView the full article
