Wajas: Goblin Gift Exchange


Please read this in full before partaking in the feature. Goblin Gift Exchange Hello, hello! Some of you may know what the Goblin Gift Exchange is, and others may not. Basically, this is Wajas version of a "White Elephant Feature". You submit up to ten items, and you will receive the same number of items you submitted back. Last year was chaos, so over the last month and a half, Code has been working tirelessly to try and revamp it and do better. That said, while we did make a bunch of changes, we want to issue a few disclaimers: This feature is a bit of a gamble, just as the lottery is. You may get something of higher value than what you submitted, or you may get something of lower value. That's just how this feature operates. Thus, in the event you are unhappy with what you receive, we will not refund you. If you are not okay with a potential loss, we recommend you not partaking in this event. Changes made: Pricing Changes made: We've chanView the full article
