Wajas: Goblin Gift Exchange Update


Hello, hello everyone! Hope everyone is having an awesome holiday week (for those celebrating), and an awesome week in general (for those not). We stumbled upon a bug in the matrix for the Goblin Gift Exchange where it would allow you to donate more items than was supposed to be allowed. As of this morning, that bug has been squashed and the gift exchange is working as intended. What this means is: if you donate multiple of one item, each donated multiple item = 1 item into the pot. So if you donate 10 bandaids, they all count as 1 individual item and you've sent in your 10 allotted items. Anyone that had donated more than the ten items has had ALL items returned to them and their Goblin Exchange reset. A notification will have been sent to let you know that this happened. If you still want to partake in the Exchange, you'll need to go resend the items you wish to partake with before the end of the 24th. Thank you all for your patience and understanding!View the full article
