Wajas: Goblin Gift Exchange Sorted


Goblin Gift Exchange is sorted! "Hey! Why are their so many generous people? Making our work harder!" Behind the Goblin were piles and piles of items. "Give me the final count." He growled at the Goblins who were sorting the items around. "Aye sir! 713 users partipated, donating 6,116 items. There were 131 Generous Givers." The Goblin reading the numbers off put his paper with the stats down. "There were a few issues with some of the items having nothing of similar value to exchange with, and a few issues of the items not having a price to associate with them and no similar items to compare them to. What do you want to do with those?" The original Goblin grumbled, throwing his hands up. "Give them back to the original user who donated them. Are we done with that?" "Yes sir! That's the last of it." He double checked his paper before turning to give the final orders to those Goblins scurrying from pile to pile. "You heard him lads and ladies. Get them itemView the full article
