Wajas: Gifting Tree + Reminder

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Good afternoon folks! As many of you have undoubtedly noticed, the Gifting Tree snuck out a bit early. I swear it wasn't me, I didn't sneak in and send it out before the US folks finished their Turkey Day, promise. :Sweats:. Any hoot! This is a general notice that the tree is out and you may commence gifting! That said, we wanted to issue a reminder: "Art under the tree still has to follow all rules the site does. This includes things such as tracing and heavily referencing. If you are caught doing this, you may be forum banned, fined, and/or put on an art sale ban." Panic has put together this guide to help you when gifting art. The guide covers how third-party artwork can be used on the site (such as bases) that is pertinent information for you holiday gifters. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact a silver feathered mod or a bronze feathered mod and they'll be more than happy to assist you. Click for the Staff list .View the full article

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