Wajas: Gifting Tree, Black Friday Sales, and Rule Reminders!


Hello everyone!   Staff have a few reminders and notices for everyone   Gifting Tree The gifting tree is live ! If you do not know what the Gifting Tree is, click here ! Remember  all rules , including art rules , still apply with the Gifting Tree event. Failure to follow the art rules can result in a ban on drawing/selling art either temporary or permanent, a forum ban, and/or a fine. You should not be doing any of the following: Tracing or heavily referencing other art. Claiming line art as your own or removing credits on free to use line art. When you reveal who did what art, you must credit the base that was used. If you are unsure of any of the art rules or need help determining if something is too heavily referenced, feel free to contact a Moderator (Bronze or Silver Feather). We have a reference for how to find and how to properly use free art here .  You do not need to be rich to participate inView the full article
