Wajas: Get to Know Staff - Charmanth!


Charmanth 🦎🦁 Where does your username come from? My user comes from mashing together “Charmander” (my favorite Kanto starter) and the Pernese Dragon Suffix, “th”.  Used to joke I’m a Pernese Charmander. What are you passionate about on Wajas? Oh, this and that.  Mostly I like creating customs based on things I like.  There’s actually a couple I’d like to remake now we have more markings/mut markings.  I also like pretty fades, as they’re not easy to replicate through breeding. What do you collect? (On Wajas, irl, or both!)? On Wajas: I collect dragon and dragon-adjacent items, and I swear I collect fandom wajas (Monster Hunter, Pokemon the biggest two I collect from other users), but to be honest I don’t roll through the sales that often anymore. IRL: Dragon figures, dragon plushes, dice…. I actually got some LED dice recently! View the full article
