Wajas: FriendFest ♥ Feb 14th - Feb 28th


[ FriendFest 2022 ] February 14th - February 28th Breathe deep the cool and crisp air of the end of Winter. Lunaria is nearing Spring. Snow is melting, leaving behind traces of nature stretching it's leafy limbs towards the sun above. The Arctics are preparing for their return to the icy tundra, with just over a month to go before their departure, teary goodbyes are not uncommon. To celebrate the friendships that bind them and all of Lunaria together, FriendFest has returned for another year! We'll have Contests and games on site and some minigames on our social media platforms. If you haven't had a chance to like and follow us on our platforms, I encourage you to do so! Make sure you're also following our Social Media news tag to receive any information about our SM platforms going forward, I am working on some new things for that. Our main games (anything in the Admin Announcement area), will last from February 14th until February 28th, all contests wView the full article
