Wajas: Focus Group


Recently, we the Wajas staff have come up against a few issues where we're not entirely sure how to proceed for the good of the playerbase in general - disagreements that can impact on the whole site, and to which there's no easy answer. We want to provide the best possible service to all our users, regardless of age, gender, nationality and any other factor. In order to do this, we will need to get a broader idea of what the site is thinking. Because of this, we are looking to recruit around 20 regular players to join a focus group and help us think about the answers to some of these tricky questions. We are looking for users from as many countries, timezones and age brackets - THE ONLY STIPULATION IS THAT MEMBERS MUST BE OVER THE AGE OF 18 AS OF JULY 1st OF THIS YEAR. This is because of the potentially difficult topics that may be discussed. If you're interested, please click this link to access the application form. We appreciate the form is long, but we're vView the full article
