Wajas: Final Call - - Subtember SUBmissions!


Submit a Subbreed Design for Site Use Submit a Subbreed to be Spotlighted General Subbreed Chatting Thread Quick Links to the important areas!   Quick reminder: Tomorrow the threads for Submit a subbreed design for site use and Submit a Subbreed to be spotlighted   will be locked.  You have until I get up tomorrow morning to get things in. I have pinged people who have submitted subbreeds to be spotlighted who need to amended something in their entry.   I orignally was not going to do this, but I wanted to ensure that as many subs got spotlighted as possible, so I am trying to make sure if something is wrong with your submission that will result in it not getting spotlighted you at least get a chance to fix it. Please check your pings and see if I have pinged you (if your pings are off, check your entry and see if either of the common mistakes listed below are ones you have made).  If I have, please fix yView the full article
