Wajas: End of Summer contest results!

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Good weekend, everyone!  Whew, that took me a minute to tally up, but I have the results of the two contests I hosted last month!  I would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated!  This helps immensely in filling those gaps in my library.    And I hope everyone is working hard to help the Mad Scientist!  I have a feeling he'll be announcing exactly what he needs those strange little pebbles for any day now. Design contest: Asbjorn 1st place:  Stormur (276700) 2nd place:  Wolfang7 (331521) 3rd place:  White Rabbit (119395)  Honorable mentions:  Temerair (192011), WolfCheese (353713), Mach6 (326415) and Clannibal (21406).    You four will be receiving 2 CWP each! Writing Contest: The Chosen and Corps Arctics For Alard: 1st place:  Stormur (276700) 2nd place: Midnight Hunter (363911) 3rd place:  Wolfang7 (331521) For Aisling: 1st place:  Drakonian (34View the full article

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