Wajas: End of event Info


Hello, hello folks! I saw there was some questions on how long it would take for events to be judged, winners announced, prizes out, ect, so posting a quick note on a general layout of how these typically work. It'll take roughly 2-3 weeks to announce winners. I give staff about a week to a week and a half to post their winners. After that give me a day or two to make the poll. Then y'all get about a week to vote. From there it's just making the news post so a day or two depending on when things start / end. So it could be up to 3 weeks of the official end winners. Following that, it's tossed to the Artists and they figure out who will do what and work on it as they are able, so there is no timeline for when items get officially put onto the site. :) As far as the CWP Appreciation ticket goes, I am currently working on tallying up tickets and getting it situated so we can draw the winners for that, once we get that winner drawn, I will get tickets out foView the full article
