Wajas: Easter Winners and Credits


Good morning everyone! I hope your May has treated you well. The start of mine has gone pretty good, but Taurus season always treats me well, it is after all, my season. ;D I know it's a little late but we were waiting for one final prize to be finalized before rolling this out, so without further adieu :drumroll: the winners of the Easter contests are here! Thank you to everyone who partook in the events. I know there were many who started the hunt and didn't finish, and I had a thought about moving the full story to a library section. Would anyone be interested in that? My goal for this past event was to build on the relationship between the three and could be a fun read for future member who enjoy lore and such. Let me know in the comments. Credits Scavenger Hunt: Clue Ideas: Zeldruin, Sparra, Sadi Writing Clues: Sparra, Sadi Looked over Clues: Bluee Rocky Overlook Wallpaper Part Prize: Sparra Don't fret if you really want the WallpaView the full article
