Wajas: Crossword Prizes


Just posting a quick note - The Crossword prizes from the flash game the other day have been sent out, if you did not receive a prize, double check your answers (the correct answers are on the original post) and then make sure you chose a butterfly color (Green, Pink, Purple, Rainbow, Red, Turquoise, or Yellow). In the event you did not choose a color, you have until Monday, August 15th at 8 AM EST to send me what color you would like. I will not likely be on again until Monday due to IRL obligations, so I won't be able to send these prizes until then. This is only for those who forgot to include a color for their prize claim. There was too many to send individual PMs to everyone. Otherwise, if you did get them all correct and if you did include a color, but for some reason did not get the requested butterfly, please send me another PM and let me know I missed you and I'll double check the records and get that fixed ASAP. Thank you everyone who partook, thiView the full article
