Wajas: Cocoon Turn-In time limit extended!

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Wow!   I can’t thank you all enough for all the help so far!   I daresay I’m having difficulty finding places to put all of my new necessary experimentation equipment!   Nicola’s getting a little cross with me…won’t be long, my dear, won’t be long!     But despite the rather cluttered state of my laboratory, I am still in need of more!   So I have extended the period in which I am accepting the cocoons an additional two days!    I will now stop accepting them the end of the day, October 19 th .   Hopefully this gives people who have not yet met my 75-count minimum for wonderful rewards the chance to find the last few they need. Click here to reach my turn-in site!     Also, I may be having a good friend extend an extra helping hand!   Wait and see, I think you all will find it particularly useful.     And finally, to get into the spView the full article

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