Wajas: Chicks, Earths, and a mission not so impossible


First Note: Earths are in the token shop for today. "Can't believe they wouldn't listen to me. What's so great about hoarding those cute, feathery, little chicks in one spot. Well you know what? Bok BOK. Is what I say to that. We should share them! BOK." Term grumbled as they shoved their quietest, most shock absorbent boots on. "I'll show them how good my idea is, one way or another!" A click sounded as they stuffed a cassette tape into their gray walkman. A set of old school, flimsy, earphones were shoved onto their head. The cord winding it's way down to to walkman that seconds later disappeared in the pockets of their jet black hoodie. "Ah yeah, mood music. BOK!" They hit the play button, and a second later, the theme song for mission impossible blared, easily heard by anyone standing around them. "Huh, Term...what are you doing?" The flowery form watched from behind as Term began posing. "Term." She glanced towards the owl perched on the View the full article
