Wajas: Black Friday Games / Sale + Tree Update


Good morning Wajas! For those who celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday, we hope you had a good time. For those working and/or shopping to you, stay safe and try to enjoy yourselves if possible. Pleasantries aside, I'm here today to give y'all some reminders before I vanish into the kitchen to bake cookies for my Thanksgiving thing for tomorrow. Reminders: The games for the week can be found on the Minigame boards , they all end between the 26th and 27th, if you want to enter, get in now. The Black Friday sale (including the dye, DNA, and Breed Changer sale in the CWP Shop and the discounted CWP from Aurum ends on the 28th. If there is anything you were going to buy, get it now! Additionally, a few of you have already noticed, but our Gifting Tree complained a bit that no one loved it because it was only a basic tree, so it is now further customizable! Go to your Gifting Tree Settings to play with these options! Make sure if you're gifting art, you reView the full article
