Wajas: August Monthly Updates


Delete Account Feature added Pedigree and breeding history added to Wajas lineage and pup predictor Jump to top and jump to bottom added to threads Adding a dye now informs you if Waja has that marking Added "do not use craft in DUC" option to crafts C der Recap For the month of July Hello Wajas! You'll notice a bit of a change to the layout for our monthly updates. Going forward, C and I are going to try to collaborate a bit to ensure that we offer a small side note of what all has happened the previous month as far as changes/updates/new features go. If there are links to news posts to include, they will be included (as you can see above), however this will also cover the minor changes that did not warrant a news post (ex: the links on threads that jump from top to bottom of the thread). I will do my best to get everything, however, I may still miss something, so if you notice I forgot to put anything on the list, post a kind commentView the full article
