Wajas: August Monthly Items and July Recap


Users you've blocked can no longer buy items from your shop Leaderboards: fixed some profile links that went to the wrong place Experimental Waja Showcase Slots released Fixed a bug where clicking to open a context menu in Chrome would sometimes select a menu item Pup predictor now defaults to Ungrouped if user has 4,000+ wajas Pup predictor: experimental dropdown to choose the cave group that random wajas are drawn from; tweak layout & presentation Contest advanced Maths training now uses the numeric keypad on mobile; tweak styling Classic Manage Items: improvements to Save Craft Purchasing a mystery dye/dna/token now sends the user a notification of what it opened to Crafts 2.0 released: Alt Breeds, Recolors and Variant Crafts Apostrophes are now allowed in craft names User craft shop: crafts that can be used in dressup contests now present a DUC tag WajaDex now reports a variant craft's original craft; improve sView the full article
