Wajas: Alert, New Staff! + Note about future applications.


First and foremost: Note's about the staff application and things to keep in mind for the next staff hunt. Please welcome our new staff members! Artists: Faeora Mune Dire Forum Moderators: Sparky Thayet Simba Staff Update New Staff and notes about Applications   Staff Application Notes .♥.  As we noted in the original hunt news post, all applications for those we did not bring on were rejected.  We've added a feature to the Staff Application feature that allows us to turn on and turn off the application link.  Meaning, it will only go live when we're actively hunting.  This will allow us to truly know if the applications that have been submitted are current, since they can only be submitted when we are actively looking. In addition to that, we'd like to make some notes of things to keep in mind for the next hunt: As noted in our library pages  So you want View the full article
