Wajas: 15 Year Roundup


15 Year End of Event Comments Hello everyone! We are officially rounding up the 15 Year Anniversary Event. Let me start off by saying just how incredibly wowed we were during this event. Y'all really turned up and gave it your all, and we loved so many of the entries and it made it so difficult to judge! Because of this, we ask that you leave your images on their respective hosting site for a time. We of course, will be guaranteed making all first place winners entries, but many of the artists fell in love with other submissions and wish to have time to sneak through and maybe pluck a few more of your entries to do as a bonus. Disclaimer: Like I said above, all first place winners will be made. Outside of that, what the artists pick and choose to make from the other submissions is done at their discretion and is NOT subject to influence from the votes from the user poll or the staff poll. After talking it over, we've agreed that any items that get made frView the full article
