Tremder Update


So some of you have asked, and I'll clarify, because until a few weeks ago I didn't know myself if we would be able to do these things.

Tremder will have combat

Each wolf born or created will have an element they are born under. This is dictated by the day of the week the wolf is born under. Certain days are stronger for element births than other, but being born on say Friday, will not always guarantee a Wood Element. There's a percentage of a chance that the pups will be born outside their default “Wood” element and pick up an element from another day. We call this the “Wild Card” effect.

Each Wolf will have a combat skill tree related to their element

Wolves are normally peaceful creatures who have to hunt meat to survive. The skills a wolf can unlock by getting skill points through leveling their experience meters up are many. Each wolf comes with 3 skills they MUST unlock before they can unlock their elemental trees. Bite, Scratch, and Charge are default for every wolf on the sim. Then there are 3 trees a wolf can “chase.” Offensive, Neutral, and Defensive. There are 3 skills to each tree. The next one a little more powerful than the one before it. Offensive skills are your attack skills, and are geared for lashing out at your foe. Neutral skills are aimed at healing and regaining attack energies. Defensive are arts you use to defend yourself, reduce damage from oncoming attacks, and make your enemy have status effects that can stun them for a few rounds.

There are many ways to spend your skill stats for your skill tree

And there's no wrong way to do it, but a right way that can unlock some very interesting things we'll leave you all to discover. Call them known easter eggs as it where. It is possible to Min/Max your stats, spend all your skill points into one branch of your tree, and that's fine. However to unlock the easter egg skills, you first need to stat your wolf just right to be able to do so. We are going to leave it up to you all to figure out how.

There is a maximum level to a wolf's level. It's 25

To keep the game fair and balanced, we did the math, crunched the numbers, worked the percentages and tweaked all the things to try and break our calculations. The maximum level to keep the game fun, yet fair is 25. This will give you a certain amount of skill points to work with, and how you assign them will be very important if you want the easter egg skills unlocked.


Wolves age 2 weeks per day. Rollover will be midnight pacific time. Your wolves, when they are born, come with description information about their health. There will be Poor, Lacking, Okay, Average, Good, Very Good, Excellent, and Amazing.

  • Poor - 1-3 years (26 days – 78 days)
  • Lacking - 1-5 years (26 days – 130 days)
  • Okay – 2-5 years (52 days – 130 days)
  • Average - 4-8 years (104 days – 208 days)
  • Good - 5-9 years (130 days – 234 days)
  • Very Good - 6-10 years (156 days – 260 days)
  • Excellent - 8-12 years 6 months (208 days – 326 days)
  • Amazing - 15 years 6 months (404 days)

The health that a customs (Legendary Wolves) get is Amazing. Legendary wolves will live a maximum of 15 years 6 months.

Born wolves can live a maximum of 12 years 6 months, but rarely do they live past age 10. The higher the health, the longer the normal wolves live, so therefore, if they have health lower than Okay, they will never live past the age of 8.

Born wolves (Legacy Wolves - the ones that weren't created in the customize tool) can't have Amazing health, but they can have Excellent health. Wolves that are customized automatically come with Amazing health. However, it does not pass down. The highest health that a customs pup’s can get is Excellent. Custom wolves will live a maximum of 15 years 6 months.

Once wolves get to 7 years, their face starts graying. Every 6 months, the gray will increase. The graying will stop increasing at 10 years of age. As they get older, discharge stains will be visible by their eyes as well.


Females can't breed until they are of 3 years old. Males can breed at 2 years old. There will be a breeding "cool down" for one in game year (26 actual days). Since females only come into heat once a year. Females can have anywhere from 1-8 pups in a litter. The more pups, the higher the chance one could die from starvation or neglect because there are so many.

  • 1-3 pups will have a 95% chance of survival
  • 4-6 pups will have a 75% chance of survival
  • 7-8 pups have a 60% chance of survival

For each pup, there is a 5% chance of them catching a fatal disease. There will be a 15% chance (per pup) of a lone wolf/competing predator killing the pup. If you fail to feed your pack for too long while a female has pups, then there's an 85% chance that the entire litter will die.


If a litter has been born from inbreeding, there is a 30% chance (per pup) that they will be born blind, deaf, dead, or with very low health. An inbred will never have more than “Okay” health. Double inbreeding (if an inbred is either bred to a family member, or bred to another inbred) has a 70% chance (per pup) of them being a stillborn, not surviving past 6 months, and being born blind and/or deaf. Double inbred wolves are incapable of breeding. Special litter survival items can still be used with them.

Rare wolves/markings:

There is a 10% chance (per pup) that they will be born with an albino, melanistic, vitiligo, or somatic mutation. If you breed a wolf with a mutation, the chances of a mutated cub being born rises by 15%. If you breed two of the same mutations (example: albino x albino), the chance of a mutated cub rises to 20%.

When you get either a melanistic or albino mutation, the mutation covers all other markings. Mutations like somatic or vitiligo can still have other markings show, but the mutation layers will still be above all the other markings.

Normal markings:

Normal markings are the markings you can get in the custom tool. The chance of the marking passing down is a 75% chance (per pup). If both parents have the same marking, the percent of it passing changes to 90%. Marking opacity is randomized between the opacity percentage that the parent or both parents have. For example, the male has Brown Mask at 50% opacity. The female has Brown Mask at 12% opacity. You breed those two together, and now have a 90% chance of Brown Mask passing on (in a randomized marking slot). Lets say Puppy #1 has Brown Mask. Puppy #1’s marking opacity will be between 12% and 50%.

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